MacWorld 1998 January
Macworld (1998-01).dmg
Games World
Shareware Games
MacChess 3.0.e PPC, 2.5.1 68K
Test Instructions
LCII Instructions
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Text File
43 lines
LCT II test (c) Frederic Louguet & La Puce Echiqueenne
v 1.14 - 11/07/95
How to use the 35 LCT II tests
- Permanent brain must be disabled.
- The program must run each test during 10 minutes (600 seconds).
At 10:01 (601th second), you must stop the analysis.
- The time to keep is the time when the program finds the best move
and does not change his mind until the ten minutes are over.
For example : the best move (A) is found in 32 seconds, but the program
change his mind at 1'56 and now prefers (B). Later, he again considers (A) as
the best move after 7'16, and does not change anymore until 10:01. So 7'16
is the time to put in the results.
- It is very important to let the program "think" 10 minutes, and particularly
for positional tests, since some programs change their mind frequently. For
tactical tests, it is of course not necessary.
- Points :
30 points if move found between 0 and 9 seconds
25 points if move found between 10 and 29 seconds
20 points if move found between 30 and 89 seconds (30" - 1'29)
15 points if move found between 90 and 179 seconds (1'30 - 2'59)
10 points if move found between 180 and 389 seconds (3' - 6'29)
5 points if move found between 390 and 600 seconds (6'30 - 10')
0 points if move not found in 10 minutes
The lower limit is 1900 Elo points.
For example, if a program gets 105 points (positional), 200 (tactical) and
70 (endgame), its rating will be 1900 + 105 + 200 + 70 = 2275.
The upper limit is 1900 + (30 points * 35 tests) = 2950 points.
That is 40 % for positional moves, 34 % for combinations and 26 % for endgame.